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Hamp Nursery and Infant School Hamp Nursery and Infant School

Hamp Nursery and Infants School

Where every child matters

Food in school

Hamp Nursery and Infants School is a

Nut-Free school. 


Benefits related Free School Meals

All pupils who attend infant schools are entitled to a free hot school meal. This is provided by a government initiative and is available for all, regardless of personal family circumstances. However, being entitled to a benefits related free school meal, can also, at times, help families to meet criteria for other benefits. It also entitles pupils to some additional funding in school, which helps us to provide extra support, resources, activities and experiences for them in school. We would encourage any families who think they may be entitled to apply. These Pupil Premium families are also entitled to free school meals vouchers and funding for Holiday activities, as long as the Local Authority or government continues with these schemes. Please let us know if you are struggling and need help. We will always try to find a way to support you. 

At Hamp Nursery and Infants school we encourage healthy eating.

Lunch times

At Hamp Nursery and Infants school we encourage all pupils to have a hot school lunch. These are free for all school age pupils, regardless of individual families circumstances, provided by the Government's Universal meals for Infants scheme. We employ BAM to provide our meals, they work locally and are happy to discuss and agree meal choices with us. This ensures a delicious range of hot and tasty meals, which the children do enjoy! The children are served and supported throughout lunchtimes by familiar staff, who are able to build good relationships with the children. They eat in their classrooms, where they help to set and clear tables, pour water, serve and carry their own food. They sit with their friends, and lunchtimes have a happy family vibe to them. Staff will encourage children to try new foods, and in next to no time, the children are usually eating well. BAM are also able to provide the same hot food options to the Nursery. If any Nursery parents would like to order this option, please speak to your Nursery manager. 


BAM are able to accommodate most dietary requirements and allergies, with notice. They will always work with us to try to find a solution to dietary needs. Due to a fairly recent new law, they do now need medical evidence of allergies to provide individual menus for pupils. 

Examples of menus they have accommodated are dairy-free, gluten-free, vegetarian, vegan, and combinations of these. Please contact school in the first instance if you need to discuss these options. 

Packed Lunches

Some families prefer to provide their own packed lunches. Although, we always recommend hot school meals, we are able to accommodate this, with two weeks notice to cancel the lunches from the caterers. We will continue to support healthy eating, and the requirements for packed lunches are set out in the policy below.  


Fruit is provided every day for all infant age pupils. This is delivered every few days and stored in a cool safe place. We encourage all pupils to try a piece of fruit every day. This can be bananas, apples, pears, easy peelers, strawberries, raisins, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes or carrots. Occasionally, we've also had sugar snap peas. These are shared at morning break times, but we always have plenty to offer extra fruit after lunch or at other times if children are hungry. 

Parents are welcome to send in their own fruit option if necessary, please make sure this is named.


As part of our theme weeks and other special days we often include food activities. On occasion, as part of learning about healthy and balanced diets and lifestyles, we may include cakes or biscuits.  The children are often involved in making these items and learning about where our food comes from. We take an "everything in moderation" approach to treats. However, we are unable to accept and give out sweets or cakes from home for children's birthdays.