Being Resilient
Percy the Park Keeper Class have had an exciting first week back to school. They were very excited to share what they had been doing during the Christmas break.
We began this term with a 'Being Resilient' theme week. On Monday, we learnt all about team work and having a healthy attitude to friendly competition. We thought about how we could work together better and the benefits of good teamwork. This children were able to demonstrate their teamwork skills well when completing lots of different activities.
On Tuesday, we learnt about keeping our bodies healthy. The children understood that it is much easier to be resilient when we keep our bodies healthy. On Wednesday, we talked about our mental health and the things that we could do to have a positive impact on us when we are feeling unsure, angry or worried.
On Thursday, we learnt about the difference between having a growth mindset and a fixed mindset. We spoke about our mistakes and how they help us to learn. Today we talked about being proud of ourselves. We spoke about our likes and dislikes, our achievements and why we are all special.
The children showed an understanding of how 'Being Resilient' means many different things and could identify the things that we can do to improve our resilience.