'Being Resilient' Theme Week
This week the children took part in a theme week; 'Being Resilient'. Each day, the children took part in different activities. On Monday the focus was on team work, working together to work out different challenges e.g. Which team can build the tallest tower? Who can work together to construct a rocket? On Tuesday, the children explored how to keep our bodies healthy, this included taking part in an active P.E lesson, discussing healthy eating and designing a healthy meal. On Wednesday, the children thought about 'Wellbeing' and talked about their feelings. They listened to the 'Colour Monster' story to help identify their feelings. The children shared their ideas for what helped them to relax and feel calm and happy. On Thursday the children discussed having a healthy mindset and identify what their super power is e.g. the activities and skills which they are good at such as dancing, singing, drawing... On Friday, our focus was 'It's good to be me' and shared all the special things that we are proud about ourselves from the week.