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Hamp Nursery and Infant School Hamp Nursery and Infant School

Hamp Nursery and Infants School

Where every child matters

For Children

Who can I talk to at school?

If you have a concern about the wellbeing of your child, the first person to talk to is their class teacher. Making them aware of your worries allows them to support your child throughout the school day. They can also signpost you to other people across the school if needed.


We also have two mental health leads at school, who have both undertaken training in this role – Mrs Clements and Mrs Hall. Mental health leads work to develop the whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing.


Mrs Newcombe is our Home School Liaison Worker. She has undertaken training to become the school’s Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) and offers intervention based on referrals from class teachers.


Services for children and young people

Your family doctor can offer support and guidance with mental health and wellbeing for your child. For online advice and support here are some websites that we use at school to support our teaching and understanding of children’s mental health and wellbeing:


Click here: NHS Website


Click here: Place2Be Website


Click here: NSPCC Website


There are also a number of online services aimed specifically for use by children and young people:


Click here: Young Minds Website


Click here: Kooth Website

Specifically for young people aged 11 – 26, Kooth is an online tool to allow young people access to advice and counselling.