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Hamp Nursery and Infant School Hamp Nursery and Infant School

Hamp Nursery and Infants School

Where every child matters

British Values

Promoting Fundamental British Values


At Hamp Nursery and Infant School, we encourage children to be aware of the diverse world they live in, promoting the values of respect, tolerance and inclusivity. Children will be encouraged to develop themselves spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. Children will have opportunities to learn about and celebrate differences, helping them to become sensitive, compassionate and empathetic members of the school community and society as a whole. Children will be taught the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and the mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Every class has a British Value display for children to make reference to during the year and this is developed in line with the class story and historical events. A diverse range of cultural and religious festivals are celebrated through RE lessons, assemblies, display boards and celebration days.


The Key Values are:


  • democracy

  • rule of law

  • individual liberty

  • mutual respect

  • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs 



Year 1

Year 2

Children will:

- Be exposed to language; democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance.

-Establish and follow school rules and reinforce these throughout the year.

-Discuss right, wrong and fairness through conversations, PSHE, class rules and stories.

-Experience real-life rules such as police visits and road safety awareness. 

-Vote for what equipment to have out, voting in maths to collect and record data and voting for a book to read. Voting to be in the form of names, hands up or objects.

-Understand freedom and choice and encouraged to fulfil this right through making choices in independent learning.

Understand and show ‘respect’ through conversations, PSHE, stories and cultural lessons.

- Be encouraged to try new activities to build self-confidence and self-esteem.

-Understand and celebrate the differences and similarities between themselves and others.

- Be encouraged to positively contribute to the wider community.



Children will:

- Make some reference to language; democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance.

- Reinforce and follow school rules and create own classroom rules.

- Reflect on right, wrong and fairness through conversations, PSHE, class rules and stories.

-Talk about real-life rules such as people who help us and road safety.

- Vote for expression of interest within story and topic discussions. Vote to be in the form of names, hands up or objects.

- Make own choices during topic, talk for writing inventions and rainbow time. 

- Discuss and represent ‘respect’ through conversations, PSHE, stories and cultural lessons.

- Confidently try new activities to build self-confidence and self-esteem.

- Understand and celebrate individualities within the school community.

- Actively and positively contribute to the wider community.



Children will:

- Use correct vocabulary; democracy, rule of law individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance.

- Create and follow own rules across different classroom contexts such as group activities and specific subjects.

- Explain right, wrong and fairness during conversations, PSHE, class rules and stories.

- Suggest a real-life rule for the community.

- Participate in vote that offers debate and form of opinion. Vote to be in written format.

- Create a vote within social situations such as board games and playground activities. 

- Have opportunities to have their voices/ideas heard by using a suggestion box or discussing a change in school.

- Take own responsibility during topic lessons, talk for writing inventions and rainbow time. 

- Model ‘respect’ throughout the school community.

- Build self-confidence and self-esteem by making independent choices.

- Promote and celebrate individualities within the school community.

- Plan ways to positively contribute to the wider community.