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Hamp Nursery and Infant School Hamp Nursery and Infant School

Hamp Nursery and Infants School

Where every child matters

Our School day

School begins at 8.30am and the teachers will come onto the playground at that time. The gate will be unlocked at approximately 8.20am, once the driveway is closed to vehicles. This will allow parents to come in and be ready waiting on the playground for 8.30am. This helps parents who are going to work or onto another school to drop off. One member of staff for each class will remain on the playground until 8.40am for those late comers. Registration closes at 8.40am.  The daily timetable includes a mid-morning break, which includes a fruit snack and outdoor playtime (weather permitting). We have lots of outdoor space and resources to keep them busy at their play. At noon, children have a lunchbreak where they have time to eat their lunch, listen to a story, and have another outdoor playtime.  We also plan well-being activities during this time that the children can join in with, if they wish. The children all eat in their classrooms with familiar staff members to help and encourage them, both with their independence and eating. At the end of the afternoon on Monday, Tuesday. Thursday and Friday, we have an assembly together in the Hall, but on Wednesdays we have a whole school "reading for pleasure" session instead. The school day ends at 3.00pm and parents are able to collect children from the playground (sometimes when the weather is poor this will be from the "wet doors").


Class teachers plan their timetable according to their individual class needs. However, each class follow a consistency structure for the expected number of mathematics, Talk for Writing, SPAG, phonics, PSHE handwriting and PE lessons across the week. Teachers must also teach an online safety lesson each half term.


Our forest school leader plans weekly forest school lessons every week for our Reception and Year 1 classes and every other week for our Year 2. Our music teacher plans and delivers music lessons to all classes and our older Nursery children, and our new sports coach plans and works with all classes in school. 


School finishes at 3.00pm but we have after school clubs running until 4.00 for Music and Sports, and 4.10 for Forest School. These clubs are free to pupils and we run additional clubs for our pupil premium children. 


Some of our pupils stay a little later at our wrap-around-care club, which is housed in the Nursery building. We offer this provision from 8.00 to 8.30 and from 3.00 to 5.30 every day that school is open. 




Children learn through a balance of child-initiated and adult-directed activities. The timetable is carefully structured so that children have a small adult directed group during the day. The timetable changes throughout the year to take into consideration the changing needs of the children. During adult directed tasks, EYFS practitioners can systematically check for understanding, identify and respond to misconceptions quickly and provide real-time verbal feedback which results in a strong impact on the acquisition of new learning. Children are provided with plenty of time to engage in ‘exploration’ throughout the variety of experiences carefully planned to engage and challenge them in the provision. The curriculum is planned for the inside and outside classrooms and equal importance is given to learning in both areas.


Every afternoon, children are taught in keyworker groups where they are able to build a strong relationship with their keyworker and children within their group.


EYFS timetable

Key Stage 1 


As in EYFS, teachers plan lessons based around the Talk for Writing story which is in line with the whole school curriculum. Each week children will be taught daily phonics lessons, three reading practise sessions, four mathematics lessons, four literacy lessons, two PE lessons, one music lesson and one PSHE lesson. The teaching of these core subject areas are bolstered by a broad and balanced range of foundation subjects such as geography, history, religious education, computing, science, art, design & technology. Every two weeks, children access outdoor learning by engaging in a forest school session. 


When pupils enter year 1, they will be taught at least one SPaG lesson a week, which is in line with the whole school consistency approach, as part of their literacy teaching. Each week children will also do an independent writing piece appropriate for age and ability. Once children complete their phonics learning in Year2, they will then move on to a spelling program. At Hamp Nursery and Infants School we follow the ‘No nonsense spelling program’.

Key Stage 1 timetable