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Hamp Nursery and Infant School Hamp Nursery and Infant School

Hamp Nursery and Infants School

Where every child matters

Theme Week - Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

The children in Paddington Bear Class have been exploring the different ways that they can stay healthy and safe. They learnt about bike safety and the importance of staying active. They completed mindfulness collaborative art, enjoyed a healthy breakfast, discussed staying safe in the sun and made their very own fruit salad. The children enjoyed all of the different activities that they took part in this week and displayed a great understanding. They asked questions, made observations, used a variety of medium to create posters, pictures and art work and displayed great team work skills. They have completed a daily Wake and Shake to get themselves ready for learning and they ended the week by completing a mile walk to help keep their bodies healthy. The children also looked at how they could keep their teeth healthy and practised brushing their teeth each day at school.