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Hamp Nursery and Infant School Hamp Nursery and Infant School

Hamp Nursery and Infants School

Where every child matters

Our Setting

Geographical Position and Catchment Area


Hamp Nursery & Infants’ School is an integral part of an educational campus of Ofsted rated "Good" schools, including Hamp Academy, Robert Blake Science College and Elmwood School. We work together to serve a social priority area.  We are all part of the "Compass Group" a shared cluster of local schools, working together to share good practice, support transition and ensure consistency in the standards of education available to all our children.  


As a school we also manage the provision of childcare within our onsite Nursery - covering 2 to 4 year olds, across three rooms, Humpty Dumpty, Five Little Ducks, and the Jack and Jill room. This provides us with the opportunity of building important relationships with our families from their earliest stage in the educational partnership, and also facilitates smooth transition through pre-school and on into school. The concept of provision for 2 – 7 year olds meets many of the desired cohesive approaches, offering flexibility to parents and striving for quality education which is accessible to all.

The majority of our pupils are drawn largely from the Hamp Estate on which the campus is situated, on the southern edge of Bridgwater. Development of new housing adjoining the Hamp community continues and an increasing number of children from the Stockmoor and Wilstock areas also attend the school. Bridgwater is currently a rapidly expanding town, and many schools are full with little or no room for expansion. Here at Hamp Nursery and Infants school, we are fortunate to have some space, an expansion plan around 2014 created extra classroom space, allowing us to increase our class numbers as the population grew.  As a result we do have some pupils from most areas of the town.


Currently we have seven classes and three nursery rooms in operation. We currently have 190 children on roll with an additional 66 children accessing our Nursery provision. 

Staffing Levels and Organisation

Our staffing structure consists of Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, 2 teachers at senior management level, 7 FTE teachers, 0.6 SENDCo, 0.4 music teacher and 0.4 Sports coach. We also employ a full-time pastoral care manager, known as the Home School Liaison Worker (HSLW).
Our highly skilled team of Teaching Assistants, employed throughout the school, make an invaluable contribution to the children’s education; planning and working closely with class teachers and attending all inhouse training. 

Our Nursery is staffed by a 0.4 EY teacher, a  Nursery manager, Deputy manager, room supervisor and six Nursery practitioners. 
The school is well supported by our School Business Manager and 2 Administrators, and also a further administrator for the Nursery. 

We currently employ four lunch time supervisors who work alongside our TA's at lunchtimes.

We have a site team of one caretaker, one crossing patrol officer, one gatekeeper and three cleaners.  

Buildings and Grounds

The main school building, originally built in 1951, and extended much more recently, houses 6 classrooms. It also contains an entrance hall, general purpose hall, staffroom, offices, group rooms, meeting room and a storage/resource area. Since 2017 the school has taken over an adjacent building which was once a Children's Centre, and we now have two further classrooms and two nursery rooms in there. The buildings are linked and all pupils have access to all of the schools facilities and spaces as necessary. A further 2 classrooms are housed in Elliott Buildings adjacent to the main building, and then our other building, identifiable by it's red and green shutters is also a Nursery room, purpose built in 1993/4.

Our school environment is a high priority and we aim to keep it equipped and maintained to a high standard. Over the last few years we have extended our playground areas, and now have an additional smaller playground, as well as the main playground, a separate, enclosed early years play area, another dedicated early years play area outside the Reception classrooms for continuous provision, an adventure garden with a range of equipment as well as an outdoor classroom. We are also building up our Forest School area, with new projects planned to continue as funds allow.

The front of the school has been remodelled to provide an updated, welcoming entrance to children, parents and visitors.

Our latest project has been to replace the gates and fencing on the boundary of the school, to upgrade the driveway surface, and to provide a scooter/bike storage area to encourage the children to walk to school. 

Community/Parental Links

The school enjoys good relationships with the parents, some of whom work in the school, both as employees and sometimes on a voluntary basis with the children. We welcome parents into school and are always willing to listen and consider what our community needs from us. We have good liaison with the other schools on the campus and links with the wider community, including the local church, residential care home and local shops. We have recently worked with visiting Artists, taking part in a project where our children's work was displayed in Bridgwater. Parent's surveys are sent out annually, and parents regularly attend our parents days and workshops. We host parent groups such as "Young Somerset" and "Tuning into Kids" when appropriate.