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Hamp Nursery and Infant School Hamp Nursery and Infant School

Hamp Nursery and Infants School

Where every child matters

Free School Meals

Benefits related Free School Meals

All pupils who attend infant schools are entitled to a free hot school meal. This is provided by a government initiative and is available for all, regardless of personal family circumstances. However, being entitled to a benefits related free school meal, can also, at times, help families to meet criteria for other benefits. It also entitles pupils to some additional funding in school, which helps us to provide extra support, resources, activities and experiences for them in school. We would encourage any families who think they may be entitled to apply. These Pupil Premium families are also entitled to free school meals vouchers and funding for Holiday activities, as long as the Local Authority or government continues with these schemes. Please let us know if you are struggling and need help. We will always try to find a way to support you.