Online Safety
At Hamp Nursery and Infants School, the safeguarding of our children is at the forefront of everything we do - whether that is offline or online. Mrs Foord is our online safety leader.
In December 2024, Hamp Nursery and Infants School were awarded the 360 Safe Accreditation to verify that we offer an outstanding and consistent online safety curriculum which is a key part of safeguarding our staff, pupils and families.
We are dedicated to ensuring that all staff, pupils and families can safely and confidently navigate our digital world. By teaching a well-rounded online safety curriculum through the ActiveBytes program and ensuring a consistent whole-school approach we endeavour to prepare and educate our children on how to make effective use of the enormous benefits the internet provides while remaining safe.
Here are some things we offer as part of our online safety program:
- Online safety lesson each half term.
- Online Safety assembly each half term.
- Digital leader program.
- Staff training and parent information evenings.
- Sharing resources via Google Classroom and newsletters.
- Safer Internet Day.
- Whole school approach embedded across the curriculum.
Each half term, children are explicitly taught about online safety through the Active Bytes program. This deals with a range of themes throughout the year such as being kind and respectful online, building healthy online habits and what to do when something online is worrying us. Keep an eye on your google classroom as class teachers post some fantastic family resources and information related to the children's learning.
Each year, we select 8 children from year 1 and year 2 to represent the school as digital leaders. The digital leaders help Mrs Foord to keep online safety a top priority in the school through working on displays, supporting the online safety assemblies and sharing their thoughts and opinions about online safety.
Always be careful when you are using the internet. It can help you to keep in touch with your friends and help your education – but it can also cause harm – to you and to others.
Remember help is always available at school if you are having any problems online.
Don’t be afraid to talk to your teacher or another adult at school.
If you or anyone you know is worried about Child Exploitation, Online Protection or anything related to Internet safety please click the link below which will take you to the CEOP reporting website:
Helpful links to look at with your family
Tips for staying safe online:
- Make sure you keep new online friends strictly online. If someone you don't know asks to be your online friend you must ensure an adult knows about it.
- Know how to use the CEOP Button and how to report it to the CEOP Centre if you are concerned about someone’s online behaviour towards you.
Navigating the internet can be challenging for children. Distinguishing between real and fake content, avoiding negativity, and handling mistakes can be tough. To address this, the NSPCC have introduced six positive online habits. These tips empower parents to discuss online well-being with their families, to help develop informed, confident, and happy internet use. Their new Positively Online campaign offers content, videos, and a quiz to support parents in guiding their children through the online world:
Internet Matters is a fantastic resource to support online safety. They created a one-stop shop resource centre featuring our parent guides, recommended resources for parents and teachers and more. Make use of the filter to find what you need.
PEGI helps parents make informed decisions when buying video games
PEGI provides age classifications for video games in 38 European countries. The age rating confirms that the game content is appropriate for players of a certain age. PEGI considers the age suitability of a game, not the level of difficulty.
On this website you can type in the name of games and view whether it is age appropriate for your child.