Theme Week Children of the World
This week has been amazing! We have enjoyed another brilliant theme week. This week was all about 'Children of the World'.
We have explored how to look after our own and other people's mental health. The focus for this was 'Our Voice Matters'. We have learned how important our voices are and that we have the right to be heard, valued and respected. We spoke about the things that make us happy and sad and discussed how we could overcome certain situations. It was also our Dress to Express day and the children did a fantastic job at coming in dressed to express who they are.
On Tuesday, we learned how to stay safe online and what to do if we see something online that makes us feel worried. We learned that we can ask our trusted adults to help us deal with anything online that makes us feel uncomfortable. We spoke about the things that are safe and unsafe online and how to recognise when something isn't right.
We spent our Wellbeing Wednesday doing things that help us look after our mental health and wellbeing. We did some mindfulness colouring, looked at what makes us special, talked about the different activities that help us to feel calm and completed some of them.
As 2024 is the year of the dragon, we celebrated Lunar New year by creating our very own dragons. The children learned how the Chinese culture celebrate Lunar New Year and we looked at the similarities and differences between Lunar New Year and our own new years celebrations. We had lots of fun creating our own artwork too.
Friday was spent celebrating our wonderful friendships. We learned how to be a good friend and made friendship cards for someone who is special to us. We made our own friendship flowers and friendship cards. It was nice to celebrate one another.