School Council
At Hamp Nursery and Infants School, we are proud that there are many ways for the children to have a voice. Our school council allows children to share their ideas and support each other to make our school the best it can be.
What is a school council?
A school council is a group of children who act as representatives for their classmates, in discussing issues relating to the school. Children are elected by their classmates after putting themselves forward for the role of school councillor. The school council will aim to meet half termly, with the teacher representative, to discuss a variety of issues, share ideas and make suggestions for the benefit of the school community.
Who is the school council?
Children are elected from the Year 1 and 2 classes. Everyone in these year groups has the opportunity to put themselves forward. Classes then vote anonymously on ballot papers to select their representatives.
Mrs Clements is the teacher representative for school council. She will act on behalf of the children to liaise with the headteacher and school leadership.
School Council 2024
The following children have been selected for this year’s school council:
Gruffalo Class:
Percy the Park Keeper Class:
Stardust Class:
Paddington Bear Class:
Night Pirates Class:
What have the school council done so far?
An important part of the school council is providing information about pupil’s wellbeing and during the year they take part in a survey about wellbeing across the school. This has helped to inform activities throughout the school year.