Wrap Around Care
Wrap-around care
We can offer a limited number of spaces to the "early birds" and "night owls" amongst our families, for Nursery and Infants children that attend our setting. These clubs runs from 8.00 - 8.30 and from 3.00-5.30 daily, in one of our Nursery rooms, and is supervised by experienced and qualified members of staff. Children attending these sessions are delivered to their classroom in the mornings and collected from their classrooms after school.
If you are interested in registering your child for a place in either "Early Birds" or "Night Owls", please see Mrs Rigby in the Nursery Office or ask in the main school Reception. You will need to register your child for this provision prior to accessing the care. See Registration form below.
Bookings should be made and paid in advance.
£5.24 per full hour, calculated in 30 minute instalments.
Unscheduled use and late collections may result in additional fees - please see payment policy.
The Early Birds club runs from eight o'clock in the morning until just before 8.30am when a member of staff will bring the children over to their classrooms ready to start the day. Half an hour goes very quickly so simple and quiet, calming activities such as books and stories, a chat or a small game with other children or a member of staff starts our children off on the right foot for the day.
Our Night Owls runs for a bit longer, so there is time for much more relaxed fun and activity. The club closes at 5.30pm, but parents can sessions to collect at any time between 3.30 and 5.30. The club is charged in 30 minute time slots and late fees do apply.
The children are supervised by their classroom staff immediately after school whilst the club leader goes around to collect them all. They then start each session by enjoying a healthy snack, and discussing with the adults what they would like to do in the club that day. Staff will plan a range of opportunities each day, but quickly adapt for children based on their interests, spending time with them and ensuring they are happy and secure, making the most of both the indoor and outdoor provision.
Some examples of the types of things our current children like include: Playing with dinosaurs and sand (Moon Sand is their favourite), making robots, crazy soap and animals, making paper aeroplanes, playing board games, the always popular Lego, and often just playing outside. The club has access to many of our school resources and will take advantage of cooking or computing equipment that the children love to use.