Healthy Minds, Healthy Body Themed Week
The children have enjoyed taking part in our themed week based on 'Healthy Minds and Healthy Bodies'. Each morning the children have taken part in a 'Wake and Shake' dance and love it. On Monday we had a 'Safety' day to focus on road safety and stranger danger. It was also an important time to revisit how to keep safe online when using technology. On Tuesday we explored activities that we enjoy and and help us to relax and feel calm. These included cloud watching, painting, outdoor play, singing and yoga. On Wednesday the children had a healthy breakfast morning and enjoyed making and eating porridge with honey. We shared the story of 'The Magic Porridge Pot'. On Thursday we thought about keeping our bodies fit and took part in fitness activities starting with how many star jumps can you do in one minute? playing parachute games and a lesson taught by the P.E Coach. We finished the week by making a whole school fruit salad and went on a mile walk around the local school area.