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Hamp Nursery and Infant School Hamp Nursery and Infant School

Hamp Nursery and Infants School

Where every child matters

Children of the World theme week

This week has been our Children of the World theme week where we have been celebrating every child and the similarities and differences that make us unique and special.

The theme flowing through our week of learning has been 'My Voice Matters!'. 

On Monday our focus was on our mental health. We named our emotions and thought about the things we did that made us happy and calm, and what things might happen that make us sad or angry. We talked about ways we could help ourselves when we were feeling unhappy. We then shared the things that we like and dislike, discovering that we don't all share the same ideas and feelings but that is OK!

On Tuesday we learnt about Safer Internet Day. We discussed how to stay safe when using technology both in school and at home. We named our trusted adults and thought about how technology has changed. 

On Wednesday it was our wellbeing day. We blew calming bubbles, made sensory playdough and took part in some Cosmic Yoga and other mindfulness activities to add to our toolbox of ways to stay calm and happy. 

On Thursday we celebrated Lunar New Year and learnt about China. We watched videos of dragon dancing and then had a go ourselves. We also made dragon puppets, paper lanterns and created beautiful ink wash paintings. 

On Friday it was friendship day. We worked together as a class to make a paper doll string to represent us as a class team. We also made friendship bracelets, working together to braid wool. In the afternoon we made a friendship / Valentines card for somebody that was really special to us. We thought carefully about how to show people that we care about them.


What a wonderful week!