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Hamp Nursery and Infant School Hamp Nursery and Infant School

Hamp Nursery and Infants School

Where every child matters

Understanding of the World

Children show interest in different occupations with the use of role play areas and stories. Making connections between the features of their family and other families. They also begin to make sense of their life story and family history, with the children bringing in family photos, acting out their family situations, and experiences, including with animals. They continue to learn that animals need plants to survive as well as water. Children plant strawberry and sunflower seeds, to understand the key feature of the life cycle of the plant. From this the children learn how to look after the natural world around them, which is included in their playground, with the use of different types of plants.


When outside during Forest School, they use their natural senses to explore natural materials. Natural resources, which the children can use during forest school, which are also used inside the Nursey for the continuous provision, bringing the outside, in. They use their senses to explore natural materials.


The children understand that some places are special to members of their community, including on a school trip to a local area or experiencing the special places in nursery/school. In addition, children go on walks around the local community to express their joy in seasons, and the leaves changing on the trees. 2-4 year olds are encouraged to notice the difference between people and countries exploring globes and interactive maps, which enables a wider mind set. When children reach reception, they are able to draw information from a simple map and recognise some similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries. The school/nursery tries to encourage different beliefs and celebrations, with the use of other religions celebrations, such as Chinese new year.